Tuesday, April 15, 2008 by Bob

TITLE: Facing the Goliath’s in Your Life.

SCRIPTURE: 1 Sam 17:37, “The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine."

OBSERVATION: Everyone has heard or read this heart-moving story about the young boy David who faced the giant Goliath while he paralyzed the Israelite army with fear and consternation. As we read the account it seemed like David was living in a world of fantasy as he approached the nine foot giant with nothing more than a sling and some stones. But this was the point, for the story wasn’t about David’s bravery and skillful military tactics in the face of overwhelming odds. It was a story about our Almighty God, who showed His power through the life of a young boy who had not forgotten that his God was more powerful than any obstacle man could face.

APPLICATION: In our own lives we are occasionally confronted with Goliath’s that challenge our faith, integrity, and behavior. They seem to confront us when we least expect it, and strike at the core of our beliefs. How many times have you felt overwhelmed by life’s challenges, by situations that just seemed too massive to alter or resist? Maybe you’re going through one of those times right now…

Like David, it’s time to rest your faith and strength on the only person who can rescue you, our Lord. For the challenge you confront isn’t about how you will be able to out-smart or resolve it, but instead about how you trust and rely on God to walk you through this season of your life.

PRAYER: Gracious Father, I thank you for the loving kindness and concern you have for me. Help me to trust you with the small things in my daily life, so I will be ready to trust you when I have to confront the Goliath’s in my life.

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