Friday, March 21, by Nancy

"The men of Israel sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord."
Joshua 9:14

In the midst of conquering the Promised Land, Joshua and the people are tricked by the Gibeonites. They were thorough in their disguise and beguiling in their speech and Joshua was deceived. Though God instructed them to destroy all of the inhabitants of the land, they made an accord with the Gibeonites that they would let them live as their slaves. The people of Gibeon chose life-long servanthood over sure death.

I've always wondered at the inclusion of this story in the account of Joshua and the Israelites. I think the reason for it is in verse 14--they did not inquire of the Lord. While their motives were good, their impulse merciful, their instinct to check on the veracity of the story, they failed to consult with El Deah, the God of Knowledge.

I do that too. I carefully consider, I get wise counsel, I ponder, but honestly, sometimes I fail to consult my God. Of course I check my motives; of course I consider the morality of the decision; of course I act with integrity; but I do not always inquire of the Lord. And I foolishly blunder hurting myself and others, causing difficulties and complications which would have been easily avoided had I asked the God who knows.

Wise counsel, consideration, morality and integrity are all good. I should continue to seek them but firstI must seek the One Who Knows.

Forgive me, Father, for foolishly making decisions without coming first to you. I know you know me like none other. You know my going out and my coming in. You knit me together in my mother's womb. I trust you always to lead me where you know is best. Stir my heart to come first to you--to inquire of the Lord before I take any other steps.

March 20, 2008 by Keith

Title: Stand up!

Joshua 7:10“ The LORD said to Joshua, "Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?”

Joshua is desperate! All he can do is come before the Lord and plead… “Why?!, why?!” In his mind the Lord didn’t do what He had promised. Israel went to Battle a small city and lost! This didn’t look so good for the future.

Then like a slap to the face or a surprise water balloon to the head, the Lord says, “Stand up!” I can only imagine what that would sound like coming from God… Unfortunately my mind hears an American father that speaks English… thus, I can’t fully comprehend what God’s voice and fluctuation would sound like… but I bet it’s stern, not angry, comforting, not weak… so he says, “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?” God knew exactly what he was doing. This is a test from a father to a son. Son, don’t you trust me? Won’t you be obedient to me?

There are times in my life that I feel confused about God’s calling. I’ve never lost a battle in a literal war but I do feel defeated at times. I do feel a bit lost… I do have pity parties.

So, I hear these words of my God speaking to me today, “Keith, Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?”

The Lord says arise! Be confident in me! I will provide! I am the Lord Almighty! I am your Commander and Chief!

These are encouraging words from my Father.

The only concern is why Israel lost the battle in the first place… it was because one man gave into sin. He coveted, and then gave into temptation. This proved deadly for himself, his family, and the people of Israel.

May I not be like this man… may I be more like Joshua. May I be honest, filled with integrity, and dependant on the Lord God.

God, Your Words are encouraging. May I take courage today that You are God. You always have been and you will be all day today!! I praise You for this. You forever get the glory. In Christ, amen!

March 19, 2008 by Andy

1 Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

Actions speak louder than words is one of those phrases that you hear tossed around quit a bit. I hear on ESPN as well as the Food Network. It is a basic principle that says what you do means more than what you say. I 1 Corinthians 4:20 Paul gives this line that basically is saying the same thing only it is about God. “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”

The kingdom of God is referred to I scripture in a few different ways. I believe that Paul is referring to the idea of living like Christ or living in God’s will. I know that this passage deserve further study but since this is just my journal I think I am fine. I hear Paul saying that God is not a God of only words but he is a God of Power and action. Honestly I think Paul is encouraging his audience to be of the same mind. As I read I need to look in my life and see where I have had a tendency to operate in a “words” realm and not is God’s kingdom. I think that challenge comes to me in the form of evangelism and loving my neighbors. I usually just do life and wait for these 2 opportunities to arise. It isn’t terrible but it just isn’t living as if God’s Kingdom is a matter of Power. I need to be seeking out my neighbors and seeing how I can love them and I need to be seeking relationships that I may be able to lead someone to Christ. Living this way means that the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of Power.

Lord help me to live as if your kingdom has power. I don’t want to be a talker but I want to be a doer. May I always be quick to act on your word and to love those that enter my life. May I also always be seeking our those whose lives need to be touched my you. AMEN

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 by Bob

Title: Drops of Grace

Scripture: 1 Cor 3:6-7, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”

Observation: In this chapter we see Paul admonishing the Corinthian church because of their spiritual immaturity demonstrated by their squabbling over which leader was better. In one straightforward statement Paul attempted to resolve the issue and left them with a truth which speaks to all generations. Paul revealed that God has purposed them to lay the groundwork to bring people into the Kingdom, but it was God who ultimately wins their souls.

Application: New Hope Church’s OUTFLOW into our community this last weekend was a practical way to ‘lay the groundwork’ and spill God’s grace into the lives of others in our community. Some of us even had an opportunity to share the gospel to others through words. That’s what we are called to do, to be “Light to the World” (Matt 5:14). But we need to remember our role in building God’s Kingdom. Once our work is done we need to patiently wait on God to touch and change their hearts, and bring them to Him. As we place ‘drops of grace’ on the lives of those placed in our lives, God will use them to grow a faith that yearns for Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for your grace and for your plan which allows us to participate in the joy of preparing others for your Kingdom. Help me to freely share your loving kindness to those around me, and to always be sensitive to those who need you desperately.

Monday, March 17th, 2008 by Randy

THE K.I.S.S. Principle

1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (Paul wrote) My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.

Paul, a well educated scholar, could have “wowed” his listeners with his words. Instead, he chose to communicate simply. He shared Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, leaving the results to God. I’m reminded of Billy Graham who also set the example of “sticking to the basics.” Like Paul and Graham, God wants people to put their faith in Him and not the person sharing about Him!

Years ago, I remember a professor saying that great communicators always keep it simple— “K.I.S.S.” That acronym K.I.S.S. stood for “keep it simple, stupid.” Rather blunt, but I got the point. Still today, I never want to succumb to the temptation of trying to “impress” people. Frankly, it makes me nervous when I see people gravitate to some preacher or leader, rather than Christ. I'd be criticized for simplicity than praised for eloquence. My greatest desire in sharing God’s word is that lives are changed! I don’t want people to put their faith in a church or a person, but the power of God!! My prayer is that God works in and through me as I teach God’s truth, simple and basic.

Father, help me to grow in my dependence on you and your power. I want to be used to draw people to you, never myself. Holy Spirit, please will work in and through me, giving power to my words that I might glorify Christ Jesus. AMEN.