February 15, 2008 by Nancy

Scripture:Psalm 26:8
I love the house where you live, O LORD,
the place where your glory dwells.

Observation: In David's Psalm of praise he references the tabernacle; the place where God made His dwelling among men. His glory was visible there to His people in the form of fire or smoke. How awesome! It's not hard to believe David's words: "I love the house where you live, O LORD." How could he not? God's glory was there dwelling among men.

Application: It's amazing to me how God gives us glimpses of what is to come. Each era has some kind of symbolic picture of what He has in store. The tabernacle of old was built according to a precise plan, given by God to Moses in imitation of a Heavenly place. It foreshadows for us the kingdom of God as it exists in the heavenlies. And now, just as Jesus was the new covenant, we have become God's tabernacle--the temple in which His glory dwells here on earth! That is His design. (And it's still a picture of what is to come: our intimate dwelling with Creator God in His perfect kingdom.)

So do I treat others as though they are the very temple of God? Inhabited by His glory? Can I say like David, "I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells."?

Father, Help me to love your people. Help me to see your glory alive in them. Forgive me for not recognizing You, for seeing without grace, for speaking without understanding, for acting without compassion. Would you increase your presence in me until it fills up everything and overflows through the fruits of your Spirit? I am so grateful to be called your own. I love the house where you live, O LORD, the place where your glory dwells. Amen.