February 12th, by Bob

Title: The LORD is my Rock!

Scripture: Ps 13:5-6; “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.

Observation: Even King David, whom the Lord spoke of as a man after His own heart (1 Sam 13:14), struggled with fear and despair in his life from time to time. In this Psalm, in the midst of persecution, David cries out to the Lord in desperation wanting to be rescued from his enemies. God seems nowhere to be found; or at least it seems that way. But through this troublesome trial, David never gave up hope and trust in his Lord as he recalls the goodness the Lord had brought him in the past.

Application: Even during those times in your life when it seems that God is just not listening, you can be assured that He is working behind the scenes, preparing things to occur in his perfect timing. When your life is in complete turmoil and there seems to be no good solution to the situation, you need to rest your hope and trust in our Lord, just like David. But how can you do that when you are in the midst of darkness? Learn from David and praise our Lord for the good he has done in your life in the past. This will help you to realize that the God who has taken care of you in all those past trials will be with you this time as well.

Prayer: O Lord, you are so good to me. Thank you for your faithfulness, love, and grace you overflow in my life. Help me to be strong and to be steadfast in my hope and trust in you. You alone are my Rock and my Fortress.

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