February 1, 2008 by Nancy

Scripture: Aaron and his sons are to wash their hands and feet with water from it. Whenever they enter the Tent of Meeting, they shall wash with water so that they will not die. Exodus 30:19-20

Observation: In the detailed instructions God included fo rthe tabernacle--its furnishings and ceremony--He included a basin for washing. Aaron and his sons were to wash inthe basin before they could enter God's presence. Ironically (if anything can be ironic when done by a purposeful God,) the basin was to be made out of the mirrors the women brought with them from Egypt.

Application: In a marvellously visual way, God showed His people, not for the last time, that He was more concerned with true cleansing than with appearance. It's true not only for the priest but also for me. Where am I keeping up appearances rather than seeking out healing and forgiveness? Where am I hiding my true self at the cost of embracing grace and wholeness?

Prayer: God, Forgive my foolishness, my folly at thinking I can pose with You. Instead, take my heart--own it and all that I keep there; become the center of my love and passion in life. Take my mind--make it Yours; renew it by Your grace, purify it and fill it wiht Your wisdom. Take my life--I offer it to You, to use as You see fit. Cleanse me of price and self. Fill those spaces with grace and compassion. Amen.

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