Monday, January 28, 2008 by Randy

Title: “I just can’t help it!!”

Scripture: Acts 4:20 says…For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

Observation: Peter and John had just shared the hope of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. The Bible says that thousands believed what they had heard, while the Sadducees were “greatly disturbed” (Acts 4:1-3) Talk about a contrast of reactions! (The Sadducees were a Jewish sect which never believed in the resurrection). Well, as a result Peter and John were arrested and spent the night in jail. The next day they faced the “religious officials.” Filled with the Spirit, Peter boldly explained, telling them of Christ and the Good News. These leaders only had one thing to say – stop sharing!! That would be impossible! Peter and John replied, “…we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

Application: How often am I sharing Christ and the Good News? Why am I not more excited about pointing people to Jesus? In my heart I know that it is the greatest news, the best news anyone can know and hear! I desire my love for God to spill out in my life so that I can say with the Apostles – I can’t help but speak what I’ve seen and heard about Christ!!

Lord Jesus, forgive me for holding back in my witness for you. Even today, let me see the opportunities to share with others. In your grace, please give me a greater boldness and enthusiasm to be the testimony you want me to be. AMEN.

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