Tuesday, January 29 2008 by Bob

Title "Let's Shout the Message!"

Scripture: Acts 5:20 "Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life."

In Acts 5 Luke recalls a story of the apostles being arrested and placed in jail by the Jewish leaders. But in the middle of the night an angel of the Lord opened the jail doors. As they were being released the angel commanded them to go to the temple courts and tell the people the full message of this new life! Can you imagine what must have been going on in the apostle’s minds? Here an angel of the Lord frees the apostles from prison but then orders them to go back into the center of Jerusalem’s community where these Jewish leaders hang out, and proclaim the good news! Our Lord, through his messenger, had made the importance of this message clear. It was to be shouted from the steps of the temple courts for everyone to hear. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, has risen and in his resurrection we can have eternal life!

In the last 2000 years what has changed in this message? Has its truth changed? Or it significance? Has time eroded the value of this new life now that we are in the 21st century? Not one bit. In fact the same Lord who called on the apostles to preach this message on the temple courts has also called us to do the same as commanded in Matthew 28:18. How passionately are you sharing your new life?

O Lord, forgive my complacent attitude concerning your wonderful promise revealed in your good news. Forgive me for my lack of care for those who are lost without hope in a fallen world. Please give me a renewed passion to shout your promise of hope to everyone you bring to me.

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