Feburary 4th, 2008 by Randy

Title: Seeing God's Grace

Scripture Acts 11:23 When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.

Observation: The believers in Jerusalem heard that "something" was stirring a northern port city called Antioch. Non-Jews were coming to Christ. Concerned and curious, they sent Barnabas to check it out. The scriptures say that when he arrived he "saw evidence of the grace of God."
What did Barnabas see? We think of God's grace as an inward work of the heart, but here the Bible says that that he SAW God's grace. We know from the text, that new people were finding Christ and the church was growing spiritually and numerically. In fact, from this city of Antioch the Gospel would launched to the entire known world.

Application Wouldn't it be amazing if the grace of God was more visible in my life and in the life our church at New Hope? What would that look like? Antioch eventually overflowed to make and impact around the world. We are starting this series entitled, "OUTFLOW" at church. It is my Prayer that God would move and change our heart and lives in such a way that people will SEE God's grace in and through us.

Prayer Father, we need your grace! I need your grace. New Hope needs your grace. I ask that in the the coming days you would let us see you and your grace. Thank you for our faithfulness and love. AMEN.

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