March 20, 2008 by Keith

Title: Stand up!

Joshua 7:10“ The LORD said to Joshua, "Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?”

Joshua is desperate! All he can do is come before the Lord and plead… “Why?!, why?!” In his mind the Lord didn’t do what He had promised. Israel went to Battle a small city and lost! This didn’t look so good for the future.

Then like a slap to the face or a surprise water balloon to the head, the Lord says, “Stand up!” I can only imagine what that would sound like coming from God… Unfortunately my mind hears an American father that speaks English… thus, I can’t fully comprehend what God’s voice and fluctuation would sound like… but I bet it’s stern, not angry, comforting, not weak… so he says, “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?” God knew exactly what he was doing. This is a test from a father to a son. Son, don’t you trust me? Won’t you be obedient to me?

There are times in my life that I feel confused about God’s calling. I’ve never lost a battle in a literal war but I do feel defeated at times. I do feel a bit lost… I do have pity parties.

So, I hear these words of my God speaking to me today, “Keith, Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?”

The Lord says arise! Be confident in me! I will provide! I am the Lord Almighty! I am your Commander and Chief!

These are encouraging words from my Father.

The only concern is why Israel lost the battle in the first place… it was because one man gave into sin. He coveted, and then gave into temptation. This proved deadly for himself, his family, and the people of Israel.

May I not be like this man… may I be more like Joshua. May I be honest, filled with integrity, and dependant on the Lord God.

God, Your Words are encouraging. May I take courage today that You are God. You always have been and you will be all day today!! I praise You for this. You forever get the glory. In Christ, amen!

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