Monday, July 7th, 2008 by Randy

“What God Wants!”

“For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6 (NIV)

This is a repeated theme in the Bible. It was first spoken by Samuel in response to King Saul’s disobedience, “To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams” (1 Samuel 15:22). Jesus himself quotes the prophets pointing out the hypocrisy of his day (Matthew 9:13; 12:7). Here Hosea calls out this same indictment from God “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, an acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings.” God never intended ceremonies to be an end in themselves. He established them to drawn his people to himself. Rituals are reminders. Even today, baptism and communion should never be a substitute for a true relationship with Christ.

While Israel “faithfully” sacrificed, they forget who they were sacrificing to. Their hearts were far from God as they fulfilled their duties of devotion. However, the Lord didn’t want the Israelites' rituals; he wanted them!!! This verse talks about two specific things God wants. First he “desires mercy.” The Hebrew word here is “Chesed” meaning “devotion or consistent love.” God wanted his people to have a love that lasted. Second, he wanted the “acknowledgement God.” This is more than mere mental assent. It refers to really knowing him. It could be translated “truth” –the truth of God. He wanted his people to relate to him, rather than to be religious about him.

What about my relationship with God? I grew up in the church. “Going through the motions” can be second nature. How often have I replaced “doing things” for God for a deeper walk with God? It is easy to get into a routine and allow my relationship with God to become a cliché. I don’t’ like it when I feel and act that way. I want to know God more. I desire to love him more every single day of my life. I want to fully follow him in all I do and say!

Father, forgive me when I’ve allowed the rituals of routine to replace my love for You. You are God and there is no one like you. You are worthy of all my love and honor and praise. Please draw me closer to you, every single day. AMEN.

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