Friday, July 4, 2008 by Nancy

2 Kings 15:12
That completed the word of God that was given to Jehu, namely, "For four generations your sons will sit on the throne of Israel." Zechariah was the fourth.

In the midst of the deceit and treachery that has become habit among the Northern Kingdom, as Kings are killed by trusted confidantes or hated
enemies or even family members, God still has his way. Though it looks
to our eyes as though God is no where in the picture, even then what He
says comes to pass.

I am certain that neither Zechariah or Jeroboam or Shallum
set out to accomplish God's will and yet they were part of fulfilling
God's promise. He uses them without their knowledge, without their
understanding, almost in spite of themselves. God will have His way, it
is foolishness to think otherwise.

How much better to choose to serve? How much more fulfilling to offer up my life? How much sweeter to be used by God in partnership? How amazing!

God, Creator of all the Universe, Author of all that is, Unchanging,
Unfailing, Ever-Faithful, I worship you. I offer my life for Your
purposes. Use me, not in spite of myself, but whole-heartedly offered
up to You. Your generosity never fails to amaze me. Thank You for
taking my tiny little offering--my best--and in Your mercy and grace
multiplying it to be enough for You to use. Amen.

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