Tuesday, June 10, 2008 by Bob

TITLE: His Strength, Not Mine.

SCRIPTURE: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Eph 6:10

OBSERVATION: The apostle Paul’s parting message through his letter to the Ephesians is an admonishment; to be strong in the Lord, through his mighty power. Paul goes on to reveal that our strength in God is needed to fight off the powers of the spiritual realm, an enemy that we cannot see, but is nevertheless cunning and crafty in its ability to corrupt and destroy us. In fact Paul is implying that we cannot resist this evil power on our own, but need God’s strength to do battle against these evil forces.

APPLICATION: We can all look back at our lives and see those times when we used our own strength and wisdom to make life’s choices, which resulted in failures, poor decisions, and painful consequences. We may not have realized it at the time, but the devil’s evil forces were behind many of our failures. But in all this we can now see as we read the truth in God’s Word. We have the opportunity and responsibility to clothe ourselves with the armor of God to defend against those evil forces. All we need to do is make the decision and take action to build up our spiritual armor to resist the temptations of Satan. All God’s armor is there on the table. All we need to do is put it on.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I think you for your unconditional love. Lord, you desire nothing less then to love and protect us in this life so we can enjoy your glory in our next life. Help me to commit and follow through to clothe myself with your spiritual armor to fight off the deceptions and temptations of Satan. Thank you Lord for your strength and protection.

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