Friday, June 13, by Nancy

The real believers are the ones the Spirit of God leads to work away at this ministry, filling the air with Christ's praise as we do it. Phil. 3:3 (Msg.)

Paul is talking to the Philippians about the religious leaders of the day, about their focus on credentials and circumcision. Ironically, Paul meets all of their requirements yet he rejects righteousness on their terms and explains that true believers can be recognized not by their pedigree or diplomas but by the way they work for the kingdom and the praise with which their work is characterized.

question is obvious: would I rank among believers according to Paul's standards? I certainly bring no merit through pedigree or education and I sincerely "work away at this ministry." The sticking point then is whether or not my life is characterized by worship. I love the way the Message phrases it, "filling the air with Christ's praise as we do it."

Father, I serve an awesome God. I know that full-well. Forgive me for allowing my life to be characterized by things other than praise, for being wrapped up in fairness or hurt, in pride or selfishness, in self-pity or anger. They are all antithetical to what you desire to see in my life. Today I choose to worship you. Help me to choose it again tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that. Thank you for being willing to meet me where I am at--to take my humble desire to please you and then to come along side and make it possible for me to let go of my pettiness in order to grasp the greatness you have in mind. I choose today to worship you. Amen.

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