Thursday April 10, 2008 by Keith

Title: Who's my King?


1 Samuel 8: And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.


In this section of Samuel the people are clearly relying on earthly matters rather than the Lord. Samuel seems to respond with a pure heart and seeks to do what’s right.

God’s response to Samuel is straightforward, “but they have rejected me as their king.”

God knows exactly where the people of Israel were. They were relying more on things than him, they looked at other authorities and coveted them, more than relying on him. They wanted earthy provision more than a heavenly one.

One must wonder when you see God stating, “they have rejected me” what that means to God. Is he angry? Hurt? Or am I off base to think of God that way??

All-Mighty, Sovereign, King of the Universe gives in to the simple human community known as Israel and give them a king.


I know that I don’t always rely on God like I should. In fact there are times that I want an earthly king to tell me what to do, provide for me, and protect me.

What a tragedy that I don’t rise to the occasion and trust the Maker, Creator, King of Kings!

The Lord seems to know our needs! He knew the needs of Israel… and he gave them a king. God knows my needs… more than I do!! Where is God providing for me now? Am I missing obvious areas? Is he the King of my life?


King Jesus, help me to trust you as my King. I want you more than anything the earth can provide. You are Mighty and Majestic. Thank you for providing for Israel… and thank you for providing for me! You get the glory, amen-so be it

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