Tuesday, April 8, 2008 by Bob

Title: Who Do You Honor The Most?

Scripture: 1 Sam 3:18, Then Eli said, "He is the LORD; let him do what is good in his eyes."

Observation: Eli’s statement in this verse seemed harmless at the surface, but upon closer examination was deeply rooted in rebellion toward the LORD. For Eli had been forewarned of the despicable acts his sons were committing with the Temple’s sacrifices and how their actions were detestable in the eyes of the LORD. Yet Eli was reluctant to take the necessary steps to preserve the holiness of the Temple’s sacrifices. Eli was more concerned about honoring his sons then about honoring God.

Application: Some things never change, such as the loving connection between parents and children. We desire to give our children what we never had and what makes them happy. But indulgencing them with the material things and pleasures of life is not an example of real love. We can demonstrate real love to our children by providing them with the love that honors God. In this way they will grow up to honor our Lord through their behavior, and our Lord will bless them for their obedience and faithfulness.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please forgive those times when I have been more concerned about the happiness of my children then by my obedience to you. Help me all the days of my life to impart in my children a loving respect and honor for you first.

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