Tuesday, February 19, 2008 by Bob

Title: Trust in the LORD

Scripture: Ps 22:8 "He trusts in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him.

Observation: In Psalm 22, we hear King David singing a lamenting song as he cries out to our LORD in the face of danger and discouragement. This Psalm is filled with prophetic statements which point to Jesus’ crucifixion and his momentary separation from our Heavenly Father while on the cross. In the middle of his mournful song, David proclaims, “He trusts in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him.” This is the same statement made by the chief priest and teachers of the law (Matt 27:43) as they mocked Christ on the cross. But David’s comment were not sarcastic words, but instead a ray of hope in a sea of desperation. For in the midst of his calamity, David knew his true rescuer; it was his LORD, his strength, his God.

Application: Hopefully there will only be a few times in your life when you will experience the wrath of the world surrounding you from all sides. Hopefully during those times you will cry out to God as your only source of rescue. But in order to trust God with your life’s disasters when they come, you need to continually trust Him in the little things of your life; daily, even hourly. Only after a life time of dependence on God with the small things in your daily life will you automatically turn to Him in times of real trouble, like David did.

Prayer: O LORD, impart in me a desire to trust you for all the trials in my life, the small and the complex. Help me to develop a habit of looking to you for my strength, my grace, and my hope.

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