Feburary 5th, 2008 by Bob

Title: What Are We Dependent On?

Scripture: Ex 40:36-37, In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out; but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out — until the day it lifted.

Observation: This last passage of the last chapter of the book of Exodus is exciting as it gives us a glimpse of how our Lord choose to lead his people through the desert for 40 years. But more importantly it reveals a dependency that God wanted for his people. God desired his chosen people to live each day looking toward him and trusting him with their very lives. Unfortunately it took the Israelites a complete generation to learn how to trust their God in this manner. Future history reveals that most of these Israelites wandering in the desert would not see the Promised Land; it would be held in reserve for their sons and daughters.

Application: In Malachi 3:6 our Father tells us, “I the LORD do not change.” That means that the same Creator who desired total dependence from the Israelites seeks it from us today. But we have been born into the wealthiest nation that has ever existed, and live in a comfortable community life-style that most people in the world cannot imagine. We have only to look among our neighbors, and maybe ourselves, to observe hearts of self-sufficiency and independence.

Is it possible to live here in Bend, Oregon, but with a heart totally dependent on our LORD? Yes it is possible but not easy. It requires a sincere daily walk with God through authentic prayer, reading of his Word, and a submissiveness that allows God’s truths to transform us. It requires a genuine thankfulness for the blessings God has given us, yet a separation from these things in a way that places God first in our lives.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the abundant blessings you have bestowed on our country, our community, and our families. Although we enjoy these riches, never let them be more important then you. Help us to wake up each morning looking toward you for wisdom, guidance, and strength. Help us to keep you as our First Love, and let it start with me.

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