February 6, 2008 by Andy

Acts 13:36"For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep.

I love this verse in Acts chapter 13. it is so simple and profound at the same time. It says that David served God in his generation and then died. What is tells me is that God had a plan for David and he accomplished that during his time and then he died.

Understanding this passage is easy. In my lifetime God has placed me in America at this time to reach certain people and to accomplish certain goals. The hard part to actually seeing and doing the work. I have to my part by recognizing the needs of my generation and then putting forth the effort to work on it. I guess me even saying that I need to try and find the place to work is kind of silly because all around me there are hurting people that need to experience God’s love. I want to be the one that shows them that. I want to have that sentence in Acts written about me when I am dead. “Andy served God’s purposes in his generation and then died” I like that. It is simple and to the point.

Lord, help me to accomplish the work you have for me here. May I be able to accomplish your purposes in my generation. I want to see you work in me and through me so that your kingdom may be furthered.

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