February 28 By Keith
Scripture: Numbers 25: 1 & 5
1 While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women,
5 So Moses said to Israel's judges, "Each of you must put to death those of your men who have joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor."
Israel, who is set apart to be God’s people begin to indulge in the filthiness of the world. The temptation was too much and they give into sexual immorality.
How different is this today? Jesus paid such a high price that whoever puts faith in him, are able to call themselves set apart.
Today men and women are being inundated with sexual temptations, lust, and so forth. How many godly men give in and indulge in this immorality with something that is clearly not of God?
Sex in and of itself is not bad. In fact it is good and created by God. It is only when man chooses to go outside of God’s great plans and choose his own or even worse those of pagans who do not know God.
Israel’s result was death! Each person that joined in this horrible sexual immorality was put to death (vs. 5). Why? They were leaders! They were God’s chosen ones! They were to be set apart! They were to leave a legacy! And one cannot do this while worshiping a false god.
Today’s men, particularly spiritual leaders, may not be killed. But there is a death. Their marriages and families can be destroyed. They can get physical diseases that lead to physical pain and even death. The mind is polluted and begins to rot… and worse their spiritual hunger dies.
This is a harsh reminder of the grave consequences of sin. Particularly sexual immorality. I am reminded of the temptation that surrounds me… but, also my brothers and sisters.
I need to be vigilant in my own life and I need to be a support to those around me.
Prayer: Father, thank you for Your Word. Thank you for being such an awesome God. I ask that you protect my eyes, my heart, and my mind from the enemy. I ask that you would use me to guard the hearts of other men. Let us worship you alone, the All-Sufficient God. amen
February 27 by Andy
Numbers 21:21-32
This chapter is probably my favorite in all of scripture. What we have is a man of God riding a donkey, headed to see the Israelite army. God wanted Balaam to go but Balaam was being hasty and moving too quickly. God sent an angel to deliver a message but only the donkey was able to see the messenger. 3 times the donkey saw the angel and stopped and 3 times Balaam beat the donkey. Finally God opens the donkeys mouth and Balaam actually has a conversation with the animal. After this Balaam sees the angel and repents for his ignorance.
The only thing that is funnier then a talking donkey is the man who has a conversation with that donkey. I wonder what was going through Balaam’s head when his trusty donkey spoke. Was he scared, confused, or even just a little weirded out? From the text I would say no. In fact I would have to come to the conclusion based on Balaam’s reaction that he thought nothing odd of it. He engaged in conversation with his pet donkey. When I read this first of all I laugh because it is pretty funny reading about a talking donkey. Once I am done laughing I start to wonder why would God use a talking donkey to tell Balaam that there is an angel in front of him. Honestly I don’t really know. Maybe God wanted to humble Balaam and let him know that his donkey is more in tune with what God wants then him. Maybe he just wanted to be creative and shock Balaam. At any rate God got his message across in a unique and I am sure a very memorable way.
I learn from this passage. I can take some of these principles and apply them to my life. I think one lesson I can learn is that if my dog ever tells me something that I better listen and that it is ok to have a conversation. On a more serious note I see God using unique methods that are outside of the box in order to communicate his desire. I hope I don’t get to the point where God has to speak through an animal to get the point across. My desire is that I would be able to hear God before that or to be an active listener to what God would have for me.
Dear Lord, you are an amazing and creative God. I thank you for all the way that you speak to us and I pray that I would always be a good listener and that I would always be in tune to what you would have for me. May I always be open to what you are saying to me. Amen
Tuesday, February 26th, 2008 by Bob
Scripture: Numbers 20:12, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them."
Observation: In this passage we find a complex situation between God, the Israelites, Moses and Aaron. This event occurred near the end of the Israelite’s 40 year journey through the desert, and yet they had not yet learned to trust their LORD. But in spite of this, the LORD’s mercy prevailed and he responded to their need for water. Meanwhile Moses and Aaron also rebelled against the LORD, so seriously that God took away their only hope in their life, to see and walk into the promised land of Canaan. What did they do to anger God so much to withhold their entrance into Canaan after loyally leading His people for almost 40 years? We don’t exactly know, but verse 12 uncovers their lack of trust in God. It was a Lack of trust the Israelites and finally Moses and Aaron harbored in their hearts that angered the LORD enough to take away their dream of entering the promised land.
Application: I have a gracious and merciful LORD who desires to provide me with everything I need. He asks for only one thing of me, that I trust him. To humbly come before him and submit my life to him in obedience and honor. It sounds so simple, yet if I am to be honest, I struggle with this from time to time. There is only one answer; I need God’s strength to fully trust him in my life. I cannot do it on my own.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive those times that I have failed to trust you in my life. I humbly come before you, asking for your mercy and grace, and your strength to build up by faith and trust in you. Help me to trust in you alone.
Monday, February 25th, 2008 by Randy
Jesus said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don't you put it on its stand? Mark 4:21 (NIV)
Jesus used a simple lamp to illustrate a principle of his kingdom- it always dispels darkness. He asked his disciples what the purpose of a lamp using rhetorical questions - Do you put it under a bowl or bed? Dah--of course not, you put it on a stand for light!!The bottom line is if a lamp doesn't help people see, it is useless. (See Mark 4:21-25 and Mt 5:15)
I remember that Sunday School song: "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine." How is my light shining? Is my life pointing people Jesus? What "bowls" in my life keep peopel from seeing Jesus? My attitudes and actions can so easily keep God's light from shining through me.
Also, I'm excited about our "OUTFLOW" emphasis at church. I really believe God is calling me and our church family to a new way of seeing our world. It's a call to take our light from under the bed and put it on the stand in order for our community and beyond to see God's grace!!
Lord Jesus, forgive me for the times I've hid your light under a bowl by my indifference and disobedience. Help me to be a light to the world around me, even today. AMEN.