It's the same today. There's a fiercely loyal minority still—not many, perhaps, but probably more than you think. They're holding on, not because of what they think they're going to get out of it, but because they're convinced of God's grace and purpose in choosing them. If they were only thinking of their own immediate self-interest, they would have left long ago.
Romans 11:5-6 (Msg.)
In Paul's explanation to the Gentiles about God's salvation and how it is now available to them, he remembers Elijah's struggles with an unfaithful people. He tells the church in Rome that it is the same today. Just as in the days of Elijah there was a faithful remnant he did not know of, in Paul's day there was a small remnant of faithful Jews too. He explains that they are faithful because "they are convinced of God's grace and purpose in choosing them."
While we don't have the same cultural expectations about Jew and Gentile or insider and outsider, we can still be convinced of God's grace and purpose in choosing us. I for one am convinced! Ephesians tells me that it is through God's grace that I have been saved and sadly no one knows better than I the truth of that statement! There is nothing I can point to in my own life that says I have earned anything, never an achievement or sacrifice or diligence that would merit salvation. No, it is only through the grace of God that I have been saved.
The same passage in Ephesians goes on to talk about God's purpose for me too: to do good works--not because they will help me achieve anything, not because they will bring me wealth or health or happiness. God purposed that I would do good works in honor of Him, that my life would be so full of His Spirit that the good works would over-flow from my life.
My motivation in all things must be one of pleasing God, of living out His purpose in my life. It is His grace and His choice that make me able to do any good works at all; certainly it is not anything I am or have or can be that makes it possible! So I must serve because He gives me grace for the circumstance. I must give because He provides abundantly for me. I must love because His love in me overflows. And I must choose daily, hourly, task by task, that all glory goes to Him.
God, I am convinced that it is Your grace and purpose for me that has given me a calling in life. Not a career or profession but a life calling of living in Your grace and extending it to others. Forgive me for so often becoming convinced of my own worthiness, of selfishly putting my wants and desires above those of the people You place in my life. Help me to see with your eyes, to extend grace in every circumstance, to live a life that points to You and Your purpose for me.
Thursday May 29, 2008 by Keith
Title: Life Giving Love
Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.
27 The fear of the LORD adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short.
There is something to be said about having a right relationship with God. There seems to be life, joy, and hope in the one who follows the LORD whole-heartedly.
Proverbs 10:12 remind us that love can do extraordinary things… when someone wrongs you; typically you want revenge – not more love! Yet, the one who received God’s immeasurable love can give and demonstrate that same love.
Verse 27 of Proverbs 10 says that fearing the Lord actually adds length to life. The end result: less stress, more joy, less anxiety, and more contentment.
Proverbs 12:25 put it this way “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”
Am I weighed down today? Do I reflect a God that is love? Do I have the fear of the LORD that adds length to my life?
Each of those questions depends on my relationship with God today. It is up to me to make sure that I get my heart right with God. I can in no way pretend to love others. I cannot pretend to have joy. If I do, my life will probably end in a heart attack… or some other stress induced illness.
Our mighty God desires us to live rightly. He is the maker of life and as a result knows what’s best in my life and yours.
Let me seek Him today with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Father, thank you for your wise words in Proverbs. I pray that I find wisdom and discernment from you today. May I rely on you and know you more today than anything else. Help me to fear you, love others, and share kind words that cheer up. To your glory Jesus. So be it amen
Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.
27 The fear of the LORD adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short.
There is something to be said about having a right relationship with God. There seems to be life, joy, and hope in the one who follows the LORD whole-heartedly.
Proverbs 10:12 remind us that love can do extraordinary things… when someone wrongs you; typically you want revenge – not more love! Yet, the one who received God’s immeasurable love can give and demonstrate that same love.
Verse 27 of Proverbs 10 says that fearing the Lord actually adds length to life. The end result: less stress, more joy, less anxiety, and more contentment.
Proverbs 12:25 put it this way “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”
Am I weighed down today? Do I reflect a God that is love? Do I have the fear of the LORD that adds length to my life?
Each of those questions depends on my relationship with God today. It is up to me to make sure that I get my heart right with God. I can in no way pretend to love others. I cannot pretend to have joy. If I do, my life will probably end in a heart attack… or some other stress induced illness.
Our mighty God desires us to live rightly. He is the maker of life and as a result knows what’s best in my life and yours.
Let me seek Him today with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Father, thank you for your wise words in Proverbs. I pray that I find wisdom and discernment from you today. May I rely on you and know you more today than anything else. Help me to fear you, love others, and share kind words that cheer up. To your glory Jesus. So be it amen
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 by Bob
TITLE: My First Line of Defense
SCRIPTURE: Prov 4:23, Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
OBSERVATION: In this proverb a father was pleading with his son to take heed of the instruction the father was sharing with him. These instructions were the wisdom of God pasted down from generation to generation. Then nearing the end of this passage the father admonished his son saying, “above all else, to guard his heart, for it is the source of life.” The word ‘guard’ used in this verse, is also used in military terms to connote watching or protecting something of value or some prisoner. In this passage it suggests a continuous vigilance of one’s mind from the influences of evil.
APPLICATION: Apart from our relationship with God, our heart is the most valuable thing we possess. Because from it springs forth our attitudes, convictions and behavior. Our heart is the root of our character and ultimately defines our relationship with God. Therefore we need to protect it from the ungodly influences of this world and from the internal temptations that periodically confront us.
How can we best guard our heart? Our first line of defense should always be prayer. Through prayer we have a ‘hotline’ to our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ who can help us to resist temptations and keep us from swaying away from his path.
Jesus in his ministry frequently proclaimed the power of prayer against temptation. One example was through a simple prayer he taught his disciples (Matt 6:9) to ask God “to lead us not into temptation”, while in another event Jesus, on the night he was about to be arrested, admonished his disciples to "Pray that you will not fall into temptation." (Lk 22:40b)
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I recognize the temptations surrounding me through the media, acquaintances, and even within my own mind. Please help me to guard my heart against these temptations and to use prayer as my first line of defense to live a life holy and pleasing to you.
SCRIPTURE: Prov 4:23, Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
OBSERVATION: In this proverb a father was pleading with his son to take heed of the instruction the father was sharing with him. These instructions were the wisdom of God pasted down from generation to generation. Then nearing the end of this passage the father admonished his son saying, “above all else, to guard his heart, for it is the source of life.” The word ‘guard’ used in this verse, is also used in military terms to connote watching or protecting something of value or some prisoner. In this passage it suggests a continuous vigilance of one’s mind from the influences of evil.
APPLICATION: Apart from our relationship with God, our heart is the most valuable thing we possess. Because from it springs forth our attitudes, convictions and behavior. Our heart is the root of our character and ultimately defines our relationship with God. Therefore we need to protect it from the ungodly influences of this world and from the internal temptations that periodically confront us.
How can we best guard our heart? Our first line of defense should always be prayer. Through prayer we have a ‘hotline’ to our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ who can help us to resist temptations and keep us from swaying away from his path.
Jesus in his ministry frequently proclaimed the power of prayer against temptation. One example was through a simple prayer he taught his disciples (Matt 6:9) to ask God “to lead us not into temptation”, while in another event Jesus, on the night he was about to be arrested, admonished his disciples to "Pray that you will not fall into temptation." (Lk 22:40b)
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I recognize the temptations surrounding me through the media, acquaintances, and even within my own mind. Please help me to guard my heart against these temptations and to use prayer as my first line of defense to live a life holy and pleasing to you.
Monday, May 25th, 2008 by Randy
Wise Guy
“ Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding…” Proverbs 3:13 (NIV)
Today’s Bible reading brings us to the book of Proverbs, those ancient words of wisdom written by Solomon. My notes says that “Proverbs gives practical suggestions for effective living. This book is not just a collection of homey sayings; it contains deep spiritual insights drawn from experience. A proverb is a short, wise, easy-to-remember saying that calls a person to action.”
Proverbs 3:13 says that the person who finds wisdom will be “blessed.” The word “blessed” means to be happy, to be fully fulfilled. I don’t think anyone would turn that down, yet how often is wisdom rejected for some fleeting desire. Even Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, did not follow his own advice (see 1 Kings 11 – yesterday’s reading).
The teachings of Proverbs are intended to lead us to God’s best for life. Here are just a few principles I noted in just the first three chapters of Proverbs:
1. Revere (fear) God, it the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7)
2. Remember the folly of sin and resist it (Proverbs 1:10-19)
3. Remember all of the benefits of wise living –nothing beats it! (Proverbs 2)
4. Trust God and seek him in all I do. (Proverbs 3:6)
5. Put God first in my finances (Proverbs 3:9,10)
6. Respond to God’s Discipline (Proverbs 3:11-12)
Wisdom is not education, wisdom is a lifestyle. Someone said that wisdom is "seeing and living life from God's perspective." That's what Proverbs is all about!
What about my life? How committed am I to seek God and his wisdom? I want to live my life from God's perspective. I want to be a wiser person. My perspective is always skewed, but wisdom sees things clearly. My goals tend to be short-sighted, while wisdom sees eternity. I’m so glad that God promised that if anyone asks for wisdom, he will freely give it to him (James 1:5). I want to learn and grow! I look forward to reading through the book of Proverbs again! I want to be teachable and filled with God’s wisdom.
Father, I need your wisdom. I want to know your will and wisdom. I ask, in faith, for the wisdom that comes from you. Teach me. Mold me. Use me. Help me to fully follow you. AMEN.
Wise Guy
“ Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding…” Proverbs 3:13 (NIV)
Today’s Bible reading brings us to the book of Proverbs, those ancient words of wisdom written by Solomon. My notes says that “Proverbs gives practical suggestions for effective living. This book is not just a collection of homey sayings; it contains deep spiritual insights drawn from experience. A proverb is a short, wise, easy-to-remember saying that calls a person to action.”
Proverbs 3:13 says that the person who finds wisdom will be “blessed.” The word “blessed” means to be happy, to be fully fulfilled. I don’t think anyone would turn that down, yet how often is wisdom rejected for some fleeting desire. Even Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, did not follow his own advice (see 1 Kings 11 – yesterday’s reading).
The teachings of Proverbs are intended to lead us to God’s best for life. Here are just a few principles I noted in just the first three chapters of Proverbs:
1. Revere (fear) God, it the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7)
2. Remember the folly of sin and resist it (Proverbs 1:10-19)
3. Remember all of the benefits of wise living –nothing beats it! (Proverbs 2)
4. Trust God and seek him in all I do. (Proverbs 3:6)
5. Put God first in my finances (Proverbs 3:9,10)
6. Respond to God’s Discipline (Proverbs 3:11-12)
Wisdom is not education, wisdom is a lifestyle. Someone said that wisdom is "seeing and living life from God's perspective." That's what Proverbs is all about!
What about my life? How committed am I to seek God and his wisdom? I want to live my life from God's perspective. I want to be a wiser person. My perspective is always skewed, but wisdom sees things clearly. My goals tend to be short-sighted, while wisdom sees eternity. I’m so glad that God promised that if anyone asks for wisdom, he will freely give it to him (James 1:5). I want to learn and grow! I look forward to reading through the book of Proverbs again! I want to be teachable and filled with God’s wisdom.
Father, I need your wisdom. I want to know your will and wisdom. I ask, in faith, for the wisdom that comes from you. Teach me. Mold me. Use me. Help me to fully follow you. AMEN.
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