Title: The Price for a Lack of Trust
Scripture: Numbers 20:12, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them."
Observation: In this passage we find a complex situation between God, the Israelites, Moses and Aaron. This event occurred near the end of the Israelite’s 40 year journey through the desert, and yet they had not yet learned to trust their LORD. But in spite of this, the LORD’s mercy prevailed and he responded to their need for water. Meanwhile Moses and Aaron also rebelled against the LORD, so seriously that God took away their only hope in their life, to see and walk into the promised land of Canaan. What did they do to anger God so much to withhold their entrance into Canaan after loyally leading His people for almost 40 years? We don’t exactly know, but verse 12 uncovers their lack of trust in God. It was a Lack of trust the Israelites and finally Moses and Aaron harbored in their hearts that angered the LORD enough to take away their dream of entering the promised land.
Application: I have a gracious and merciful LORD who desires to provide me with everything I need. He asks for only one thing of me, that I trust him. To humbly come before him and submit my life to him in obedience and honor. It sounds so simple, yet if I am to be honest, I struggle with this from time to time. There is only one answer; I need God’s strength to fully trust him in my life. I cannot do it on my own.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive those times that I have failed to trust you in my life. I humbly come before you, asking for your mercy and grace, and your strength to build up by faith and trust in you. Help me to trust in you alone.
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