February 28 By Keith

Title: Deadly Mistake

Scripture: Numbers 25: 1 & 5
1 While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women,

5 So Moses said to Israel's judges, "Each of you must put to death those of your men who have joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor."


Israel, who is set apart to be God’s people begin to indulge in the filthiness of the world. The temptation was too much and they give into sexual immorality.

How different is this today? Jesus paid such a high price that whoever puts faith in him, are able to call themselves set apart.

Today men and women are being inundated with sexual temptations, lust, and so forth. How many godly men give in and indulge in this immorality with something that is clearly not of God?

Sex in and of itself is not bad. In fact it is good and created by God. It is only when man chooses to go outside of God’s great plans and choose his own or even worse those of pagans who do not know God.

Israel’s result was death! Each person that joined in this horrible sexual immorality was put to death (vs. 5). Why? They were leaders! They were God’s chosen ones! They were to be set apart! They were to leave a legacy! And one cannot do this while worshiping a false god.

Today’s men, particularly spiritual leaders, may not be killed. But there is a death. Their marriages and families can be destroyed. They can get physical diseases that lead to physical pain and even death. The mind is polluted and begins to rot… and worse their spiritual hunger dies.


This is a harsh reminder of the grave consequences of sin. Particularly sexual immorality. I am reminded of the temptation that surrounds me… but, also my brothers and sisters.

I need to be vigilant in my own life and I need to be a support to those around me.

: Father, thank you for Your Word. Thank you for being such an awesome God. I ask that you protect my eyes, my heart, and my mind from the enemy. I ask that you would use me to guard the hearts of other men. Let us worship you alone, the All-Sufficient God. amen

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