Thursday July 3, 2008 by Keith


2 Chronicles 27:6 Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the LORD his God.

There is something said about living a life of integrity. Jotham grew powerful, not because he was strong, wealthy, or smart, but because he walked steadfastly before the LORD his God.

His father Uzziah lived a similar life, however, he didn’t end well. There was a point where he may have thought his power came from himself rather than the Lord, or maybe he forget the great seriousness of God’s Holiness. Whatever it was King Uzziah went from powerful to pathetic overnight… for all of history Uzziah would be known as a king that died of leprosy.

It seems Jotham may have looked at his dad’s example and chose the high road. Maybe Jotham committed to never be like that… to remind himself that it is God that gives and takes away. Maybe he had men in his life like Isaiah to remind him of the LORD Almighty.

I am no king, nor was my dad a king…. But, I do have a choice in my life to live a life of integrity or to give way to my flesh and think that I have accomplished things on my own.

I can approach God in humility or in arrogance.

I can worship in fear and love or apathy and selfishness.

I want to be more like Jotham who walked steadfastly before the Lord. I would rather people remember my integrity than my leprosy.

Father, help me walk with you and for you. Thank you for your Word that reminds us of who you are. You give, you take away. You are God. amen and so be it.

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