Monday, May 19th, 2008 by Randy

Better Homes and Gardens.

“I will be careful to lead a blameless life—when will you come to me? I will walk in my house with blameless heart. Psalms 101:2 (NIV)

David commits to be “careful” to lead a blameless life in his home. He writes, “I will walk in my house with blameless heart.” The word “careful” means “to act prudently, to behave wisely.” From past experience, David knew the pitfalls of not guarding his home. It was at home he committed adultery with Bathsheba. It was at home he failed to correct the rebellion of his children. David knew it was at the home and in the heart sin has its start.

Often we speak of home being a place where we can “let our hair down.” Is it possible that the false sense of privacy allow with an unguarded attitude makes all of us vulnerable? The fact is, what happens behind the closed doors of our homes, is probably the best indicator of our maturity and walk with God. David goes on in this passage and says, “I will set before my eyes, no vile thing…my eyes will be faithful” (Psalm 101:3,6).

How can my home be a better place? Like David, I need to be careful to lead a holy and blameless life. For example, do the things I watch on TV and read in my leisure time reflect a blameless heart or a heart that is flirting with sin? What about my relationship with my wife, Linda? She needs to be the absolute focus of my affection. Home needs to be a place where we are spending quality time and growing in our love for one another. With my two boys, am I being the dad I need to be to them? My walk and words must always point them to Jesus.

Father, I ask that bless my home. Please purify and guard my heart from those things that would destroy my family. This morning I recommit to being blameless in heart and life. I ask you to fill me with your Spirit. Help me to be the husband and father you want me to be. In Jesus name, AMEN.

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