Friday, May 2, by Nancy

"He gave them exactly what they asked for,
but along with it they got an empty heart."
Psalm 106:15 (Msg.)

The psalmist is describing the history of Israel. When he comes to the period in the wilderness he lists the demands of God's people. He remembers their whiny, wearisome grumbling and complaining and he explains that finally God gave them what they asked for. The downside was that along with it they got an empty heart.

There is nothing I can imagine that would be worth that trade off. God's presence in my life far exceeds the value of an earthly possession or position. It is my heart's desire to be filled more and more with God's grace so that I can live it out. I must guard against getting caught up in "keeping up with the Jones'" and trading God's presence for things that will pass away. What a tragic exchange!

God, I pray that your presence in my life would grow, that your grace in my life would increase, that your compassion and mercy would overflow. I pray that I would be so caught up in You that I cannot be distracted by the foolishness of the latest trend or possession. I want You to be the center of my life, my focus, my heart's desire.

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