Friday, March 14, by Nancy

Deuteronomy 26:8 and 18
And God took us out of Egypt
with his strong hand and long arm, terrible and great,...
And today God has reaffirmed that you are dearly held treasure just as he promised.

Israel has been given a long list of do's and don'ts. In the instructions about offering sacrifices they are charged with remembering both God's fearsome greatness and His remarkable love.

I talked with a parent this week whose teen age daughter is in rebellion. He said, "I think she needs to understand the fear of the Lord and I think she doesn't begin to understand how much He loves her." In these verses, Israel is commanded to remember both. I think in my life I tend to embrace one end of the spectrum. I am surrounded by a dark cloud of overwhelming guilt and unworthiness as I consider God's terrible greatness or I walk along glibly choosing my own way knowing that a gracious and compassionate God has promised to forgive. God's directions show that one extreme is not the answer. I must learn to know Him in all His roles--mighty creator, fierce protector, compassionate father. To limit him to one role is to imagine the god-of-the-punishing-lightning-bolt which strikes without regard or a Santa Claus in the sky. My God is neither. He is strong to save, mighty in power. His arm is long and He strikes fear in hearts at the mere mention of His name. But my God is also kind and compassionate, gracious and good, unwilling that any should perish, offering salvation and forgiveness through His sacrifice. That's the God I worship and adore. That's the God I serve.

Almighty God,
It's hard to even put into words my awe and my gratefulness. You have chosen me as your child, through no merit of my own, no deservedness. You, creator of heaven and earth, who put the stars in place, reached down to me! I am grateful.
Forgive me for the times I act as though You are only part of who you are, assuming forgiveness or weeping with guilt. Rule my life as Master, Creator, Savior, and Friend.

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