Thursday July 31, 2008 by Keith

Isaiah 64 3 For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.

Isaiah regularly speaks of the power of God - the LORD - Yaweh.
He reminds us that God is the Judge, Ruler, and Supreme Authority over all the earth. Who can escape Mighty God?

Then he notes in Isaiah 64:3, “when you did awesome things that we did not expect…”
That’s the testimony of who God is. He is far greater than our understanding, He can do far more than our plans can prepare, and certainly can do more than our greatest dreams.
When I think of my life, I think of New Hope Church… I want the Lord God to do awesome things that I don’t expect.
What will it take?
It says, “the Lord came down.” This is the answer to what lies ahead.


Holy Spirit, would you come down like a fire on your Church. Would you surprise us by the awesome things only you can do? Prepare us Lord for what is ahead. May we, may I, put my whole trust in YOU. Come down, do awesome things, for your Kingdom, and for your glory. so be it and amen.

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