Tuesday, June 17, 2008 by Bob

TITLE: Follow-Through

SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 20:34 [Ahab said] "On the basis of a treaty I will set you free." So he made a treaty with him, and let him go.

OBSERVATION: In this passage the King Ahab, who was the king of the Israelites, inquired with the prophets of God about the series of battles Israel had with the Arameans. In each case God’s prophet instructed King Ahab on what he was to do, and the kings obedience on the battlefield resulted in victories for Israel. But with the final battle won, King Ahab took it upon himself to determine the fate of King Ben-Hadad, and rejected God’s desire to have him killed. Instead King Ahab established a treaty with him and let him go free.

APPLICATION: There are times when the odds in our life situations are overwhelming that we cry out to God for strength, wisdom, and guidance. And when we receive God’s provisions we sometimes become self-confident and prideful and don’t follow-through on all the guidance that God places in our hearts. We desire to re-gain control of the situation for our own sake, and we leave God’s direction along the sidelines. It’s no wonder in those times that God allows us to fail in the midst of our prideful choices. We can learn a great deal from King Ahab’s mistakes, and commit to follow-through with God’s direction, for he knows what is best for us and our family.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me for those times that I seek your help only to refuse it once the situation seems to improve. Help me to be faithful in my walk with you, as you are so completely faithful to me. Impart in me a desire to love your decrees and be obedient to your will.

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