Tuesday, March 11, 2008 by Bob

Title: Faith in Christ

Scripture: Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Observation: Throughout Paul’s ministry we find that he was continuously persecuted by zealot Jews who detested the sect called The Way (Acts 24:14). Now in this passage we read that even some of the Jewish Christians persecuted Paul about the importance of following their long established Jewish traditions. But Paul would stand firm about where to place their trust. Paul realized that following the law to attain justification was not what God sought. Paul recognized the importance of placing his faith on one thing alone, the Son of God!

Application: In our culture today successes and achievements are based on the works we perform and the laws that we keep. In our society many boast about their accomplishments, whether secular or spiritual. But as Christians we need to do just the opposite; we need to submit ourselves to Christ, and to live by faith in Christ. This lifestyle transforms our hearts into one of humility and gratitude in the ‘one’ who deserves the honor and glory, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer: O Lord, forgive me when I attempt to achieve selfish praise through my own merits. Help me to remember that all good comes from you, and you deserve the honor and glory. Help me to base my faith and security on you alone. Lord, finally give me the courage to stand firm against those that might persuade me to rely on my own strength.

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