Monday, August 11th 2008, by Bob

TITLE: Grace in Action

SCRIPTURE: John 13:1, Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.

OBSERVATION: I have always been intrigued by this passage, which reveals that during the last supper with his disciples, Jesus knew he would be giving his life for them, and he knew the Father had placed all power and authority into his hands. At that point Jesus had the power and authority to wipe out the puny leadership of the Sanhedrin and the Roman soldiers, and establish his kingdom here on earth. But instead, Jesus chose to follow the wishes of the Father, to administer grace and demonstrate ‘the full extent of his love.’ This obedience would result in Jesus suffering a violent death on the cross, and experiencing an unimaginable spiritual darkness with the weight of our sins on his shoulders.

APPLICATION: It’s been said that ‘grace’ is getting what we don’t deserve. Jesus’ willful death is an understatement of this definition. Jesus intended through this grace in action to demonstrate to us how we should extend grace to others as well. No matter what our education, or position, we should always follow Jesus’ example of demonstrating our grace as a basis of our love toward others. For grace without love is just service. But grace with love glorifies the Father.

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for the inexpressible act of grace you lived out through your death on the cross for us. Because of this act we have a hope of being with you in heaven through eternity. Thank you for your example of what grace in action looks like, and pour out your love to us so that we can freely overflow it to others in our life.

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