Thursday June 26 by Pastor Ketih

Title: Working for the Boss Man

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

I don’t know if this verse haunts me or encourages me. I can’t say that I “do my best” every day for God. There are some days I do… but, others, not so much.

Paul laid out several examples to Timothy about keeping his faith strong. He used a soldier, an athlete, and then in this passage a workman.

This workman is filled with integrity and has nothing to hide because he has handled his work (the word) correctly. The result: he is approved by the boss, God!

How am I doing handling God’s Word? Would I be ashamed if I was judged by my boss today?

Each day I get to remind myself that my God is watching, my God is involved, and He has entrusted me to do His will, particularly with God’s Word.

What a privilege and an honor to work for the King of Kings, Creator of All, the inventor of Love… wow.

Today, I will strive to live a life pleasing to Him.


Father, help me.

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